Last week we discussed the 8 guidelines you need to follow before implementing a successful annual/maintenance fee program (AF). I hope
you have already started the ball rolling, at least considering all the options
and surveying your current members and staff for feedback.
This week is the easier part: How to implement the AF.
8 steps to implementing a successful annual/maintenance fee program:
Clearly state the fee during the club tour
Clearly mention the fee in any marketing
material. The last thing you want to do is surprise a potential member with a
fee they were not expecting.
Clearly highlight the AF in your contract and
have the member initial the section.
Clearly state the terms by which the membership
can be cancelled.
Make clear to the member that your club’s
cancellation policy must be followed; otherwise the AF will still apply even if
they close their bank account to avoid any and all fees. You are making an
investment in your club for your member’s future use they should give you the
respect you deserve to properly cancel the account.
Clearly state the annual fee is non-refundable,
especially if the AF is for the next 12 months.
Post signs in the club prior to the debit date
of the AF to remind the members. Out of sight out of mind is not the way to go,
as so many clubs do. The posting of signs is highly unlikely to cause cancellations
from your active members who use the club. Non-active members may question the
fee or even cancel. However, this should never happen if you are communicating
with all your members, not just with those using your club. That is a topic for
another discussion.
Consider closing the club for X days once per
year to implement any club renovations and/or add the new equipment. The best
time to do this is in the summer, of course. Close the club for two days and
thoroughly clean, renovate (new paint goes a long way), add new equipment,
rearrange the equipment or train the staff on new services. When you re-open
the members can see the difference and will greatly appreciate that you care
and you are willing to re-invest in the club and their health. I have seen some
clubs close over the long Labor Day weekend every year. They close Friday night
and re-open Tuesday morning so they can get everything completed.
Now you have the information to make an informed decision about
raising your rates or instituting an annual/maintenance fee. The tough choices are
when to implement and how to include your existing members. Once you give this
some dedicated thought, planning the implementation should be easy. If your current
billing software or your current billing company is unable to help you with the
introduction of an AF give us a call.